Tuesday, April 10, 2012


#18. I read #twitter like its an amazingly informative book

#seriously kids. I'm not joking. I pick up my iPod, click on my #twitter app, and away I go into a land of hash tags and stupid quotes.

I could honestly read it for hours on end, if they even had that much to read. The saddest realization is pulling it down to refresh, and theres nothing left ... sad story bro.

Thats why I don't have a #boyfriend, because half of my time is spent reading pointless advice and smart alec quotes from #twitter.

I lead a #sad #little #life.

madeline {part of The Dateless Duo}

Monday, April 2, 2012

grow up already!

number 17.

I still look the exact same. 
Like no joke. I was looking through my scrapbook, and I haven't really changed. Sure, I went through braces, got a couple haircuts, grew a couple inches... 
but that face is still there.

rebecca joy

p.s. have you changed a lot?

I like my whole house!!!

this. this my friends, is why I don't have a boyfriend.

and its ok. because this is literally hilarious. and I would totally do this everyday for the rest of my life. if any guy knew I watched this maybe ... 43598734 times a day .. they'd probably run far away. FAR away. plus they'd be scared to know I'd love to do this.



madeline {part of The Dateless Duo}