Sunday, December 9, 2012


Howdy. So very sorry for the long delay.

When your partner in crime is about a million miles away .. motivation is scarce.

#21. Lipstick

Most of you wouldn't think of this as a turn off. Or a reason for boys to scream and run in every opposite direction of you ... but for me, it certainly is.

Wearing lipstick isn't a hazard for most people .. because most girls who are over 5' 4'', have extremely skinny bodies and nice legs can pull of any shade of vibrant lipstick with there plump lips.

But you see, when your short and stubby, and your lips look like cracked pavement .. your lips are not to appetizing. And that's my problem. I love lipstick to the ends of the earth ... but lipstick does not love me back. And its harder for boys to kiss you when they are frightened some of the poison might end up on their own kisser ...

Example: I wore bright red lipstick to church a couple of months ago. Whilst sitting next to the only cute boy in my ward, he informed me I had lipstick on my teeth.
I could never decide if this was bad or good. Good he feels comfortable telling me, or bad because I made a large fool of myself.

Needless to say its been a while since lipstick has made an appearance on my lips in public.

I refuse to let this deter me from putting the color on my oh so lucious lips. But this results in a very rare occurence of boys in my life.

This is why I'm still dateless.

madeline {part of The Dateless Duo}