Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

{madeline speaking ..}

#4. pudge

yup. I have a cute little pregnancy pouch. don't you worry. It's completely normal. Not really. But there's two reason. One I HAVE a pregnancy pouch and two I enjoy it. I think it's so hilarious. thats why I took a picture.

oh baby. we have some work to do don't we?

I told myself I would work out as a new years resolution but .. where did that go? down the drain. 

So thats reason #4. I hope you enjoyed yesterdays picture. we looked pretty classy. 

And THAT my friends, is why we don't own boyfriends.

Happy Dating :)

P.S. What's your new years resolution? Let's hear them.

madeline {part of The Dateless Duo}

Thursday, January 19, 2012

{madeline speaking ..}

So yours truly came up with a grand reason why I don't have a man by my side.

#2. I eat like a monster on drugs. seriously.

I don't just eat a lot. I eat horribly. Becca, Anna and myself made Cazookies {delicious half baked cookie with ice cream. kill me.} on wednesday, and I was done with mine in about ... 2.5 seconds. And it was big. I just shove my face. It's fine. Thats how life is. If theres food in front of me, and I'm hungry. I eat it with ... vigor? Yeah, its quite repulsive but those around me have to deal with it. 

I think thats a pretty legit reason, don't you? I wouldn't go for me, THATS for sure. And obviously most guys aren't terribly cautious about how they consume their food ... but I'm a girl. Am I not supposed to be lady like? {That can be reason #3.}

Happy Dating!

P.S. Maybe let me know your favorite recipe/dessert/dish? I'll most likely try ALL of them.

madeline {part of The Dateless Duo}

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Welcome! This is a blog about all the reasons why boys don't go for us. You think its dumb? Stupid? Desperate? We think it's lovely. So feel free to stay. Sit awhile and enjoy our reasons why :)

#1. tongue wrestling ...
While sitting at Becca's table .. we were talking about two superb people who tongue wrestled. Then we decided to picture what it would be like. Sups awks. Can you  just imagine?


Yeah. Again. Sups awks. But its fine. Because we laughed our hearts out :)

So this is the end. But don't you worry. There'll be more where this came from :)

Happy Dating :)

P.S. Tell us about your awkward dating stories!

The Dateless Duo