Saturday, January 21, 2012

{madeline speaking ..}

#4. pudge

yup. I have a cute little pregnancy pouch. don't you worry. It's completely normal. Not really. But there's two reason. One I HAVE a pregnancy pouch and two I enjoy it. I think it's so hilarious. thats why I took a picture.

oh baby. we have some work to do don't we?

I told myself I would work out as a new years resolution but .. where did that go? down the drain. 

So thats reason #4. I hope you enjoyed yesterdays picture. we looked pretty classy. 

And THAT my friends, is why we don't own boyfriends.

Happy Dating :)

P.S. What's your new years resolution? Let's hear them.

madeline {part of The Dateless Duo}

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