Sunday, December 9, 2012


Howdy. So very sorry for the long delay.

When your partner in crime is about a million miles away .. motivation is scarce.

#21. Lipstick

Most of you wouldn't think of this as a turn off. Or a reason for boys to scream and run in every opposite direction of you ... but for me, it certainly is.

Wearing lipstick isn't a hazard for most people .. because most girls who are over 5' 4'', have extremely skinny bodies and nice legs can pull of any shade of vibrant lipstick with there plump lips.

But you see, when your short and stubby, and your lips look like cracked pavement .. your lips are not to appetizing. And that's my problem. I love lipstick to the ends of the earth ... but lipstick does not love me back. And its harder for boys to kiss you when they are frightened some of the poison might end up on their own kisser ...

Example: I wore bright red lipstick to church a couple of months ago. Whilst sitting next to the only cute boy in my ward, he informed me I had lipstick on my teeth.
I could never decide if this was bad or good. Good he feels comfortable telling me, or bad because I made a large fool of myself.

Needless to say its been a while since lipstick has made an appearance on my lips in public.

I refuse to let this deter me from putting the color on my oh so lucious lips. But this results in a very rare occurence of boys in my life.

This is why I'm still dateless.

madeline {part of The Dateless Duo}

Saturday, July 21, 2012

when you call a guy a wrong name...

today i called a guy the wrong name.

well not really. here's the story.

I was texting this guy and then I get a phone call.
I figure that it is him and so I answer and apologize for not being a very great
texter and that we could still do something if he wants.

Turns out it isn't him.


I tried saving it by saying "Umm... let's just start this conversation over again. How has your day been?"

I'm smooth like (insert your favorite smooth object here)

Have a fantastically awkward/smooth week.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


#18. I read #twitter like its an amazingly informative book

#seriously kids. I'm not joking. I pick up my iPod, click on my #twitter app, and away I go into a land of hash tags and stupid quotes.

I could honestly read it for hours on end, if they even had that much to read. The saddest realization is pulling it down to refresh, and theres nothing left ... sad story bro.

Thats why I don't have a #boyfriend, because half of my time is spent reading pointless advice and smart alec quotes from #twitter.

I lead a #sad #little #life.

madeline {part of The Dateless Duo}

Monday, April 2, 2012

grow up already!

number 17.

I still look the exact same. 
Like no joke. I was looking through my scrapbook, and I haven't really changed. Sure, I went through braces, got a couple haircuts, grew a couple inches... 
but that face is still there.

rebecca joy

p.s. have you changed a lot?

I like my whole house!!!

this. this my friends, is why I don't have a boyfriend.

and its ok. because this is literally hilarious. and I would totally do this everyday for the rest of my life. if any guy knew I watched this maybe ... 43598734 times a day .. they'd probably run far away. FAR away. plus they'd be scared to know I'd love to do this.



madeline {part of The Dateless Duo}

Sunday, March 25, 2012


so lately, guess who's been spending almost ALL of there time on the internet?

uh-oh. NERD ALERT.

but ... it depends on what you do on the internet to determine if you're a nerd or not right? Like, I don't spend all my time on smarty websites, studying chemistry and all that crap. so without further ado ...

#15. I'm a blog/pinterest/facebook/internet junkie
its fine. we all do it. right? I'm not the only one ...

I just waste all my time doing the following:
reading blogs
#twitter {see what I did there? HA.}

its quite tragic. quite.

And thats why, I don't have a boyfriend. I mean, who wants a girl who spends half her time looking at a screen? That'd be no fun ... no cuddling ... no kissing ... :) but lets be real. if I had a boyfriend, I wouldn't need a reason to be on the computer!!! :)

thats all for now folks!

madeline {part of The Dateless Duo}

Thursday, March 1, 2012

oh hey I didn't hear you you where burping so loud! wait ...

#14. I belch SO loud.

like. SO LOUD. you have no idea. The other day me and my mom were in the kitchen and I just let one out and she says,

"That's my girl." {ps. it was dripping with sarcasm.}

and so I said,

"Sure am."

Its not only that I burp, it's that I'm not ashamed of it. It's a little rough.
ok a lot rough but ya know what? Go hard or go home. That's how life works :)
so that my fellow blog stalkers {how few of them we have ...} is why I don't possess a boyfriend.
bummer :)

but before you go ...

madeline {part of The Dateless Duo}

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

sometimes i amaze myself


so i was just sitting down... minding my own business... chewing some gum... when suddenly...

my gum fell down my shirt.

how does that happen?

oh, and guess what my first thought was! hmmm... i should blog about this. so here i am :)

i never cease to amaze myself.

becca joy {from the dateless duo}

Sunday, February 19, 2012


I can think of MILLIONS of reason everyday, why I don't have a boyfriend. you know what a major one is?

because other girls exist.

obviously other girls have to exist or no more babies, which produce guys that we fall in love with {awkward ..} but .. they also produce other girls that distract those guys that your madly in love with. GAHHHHH. so ...

#12. other girls

I won't show pictures. but I will say one day there'll be a guy out there that wants ME. not HER. but ME. and this blog will go down in history.

and that's all I have to say.

madeline {part of The Dateless Duo}

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

I'd like a large fry and a side order of I-eat-too-much

#11. I eat as much as 10 starving samoans

really though. I'm eating constantly. Ask any person in any of my classes they'll tell you, "yeah that girl with brown hair? getting a little chubby? She ALWAYS has food. I think she needs to stop or she's going to burst one of these days." want to see proof? oh. I have it.

this might have been the ... 23423 time I've been here? yeah .. I think so.

oh look. a cafe rio salad no one should be able to finish in one sitting.

oh look. I did.

I work here. I eat here. everyday. 

ok .. this one has two meanings. one's for tyson :)
the other is to prove i'm a fattie. 

so you clearly see. my life is slowly going down the drain as I eat all my problems away. if I had a man ... maybe that would be some sort of motivation ...but no. still eat like an idiot.

I know. don't remind me. thats why we have running shoes.

now for the motivation ...

and THAT is simply why I do not have a boyfriend on the ridiculously loved day called Valentines {alright, yesterday. bear with me.} but it's alright. I'll make it. I'm just in love with a boy. its fine, he's in love with her.

lives just a bowl of stinking cherries.

madeline {part of The Dateless Duo}

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Sunday, February 5, 2012

we got plastic surgery.

# 9

sorry about the random singing. 
the lifting up of shirts. [i promise i'm not that fat.]
the waving of tongues.
and i don't even know what Anna is doing in the background.
well... sorry about this video, but it made me laugh really hard.


# 8

so i was browsing [i said browsing. that's a big word for me] through pictures and i came across these lovely gems.

pure terror.

maddie's face is beautiful.

umm please ignore my pig nose in the first picture. 

i think we're cute.

anyways! i went on two dates yesterday! proud? i was. 
and one date dropped me off 15 minutes before the other one picked me up. it was great!

and maddie has her first date soon. i'm so proud. 
maybe we'll have to change the name of the website soon? 

who knows!

this. is us.

Our friend Becca doesn't seem to enjoy posting lately ... so I'm just going to help her out a bit.

#7. this is me ...

this is becca.

if you need further explanation ... please see a doctor. 

p.s. show us your most embarrassing picture!

madeline {part of the Dateless Duo}

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

2+2= ...

#6. Intelligence level = 0

I can't vouch for becca ... obviously because she's a genius but I on the other hand. Yeah .. lets just say my senior year is going to be as much like kindergarten as possible. Calculus and my science will probably be the hardest classes I have. I can't take much more. It's too hard! All you smart-o people out there who take every single class as either a college class or AP ... props to you! I sure wouldn't get through one!

I would show you my grades but ... that would be a mistake. Then I'd SURELY never get a date.

You might think, "Guys don't care if your smart!" but let's get real ... does any man want to go out with much less MARRY an idiot? didn't think so. So THAT my friends, is reason number six of why I don't possess the qualities to have a man by my side. A LITTLE rough.

Plus it's tough when the man of your dreams is always shooting for something you can't get to. Gahh ...

P.S. tell me your crush yes?

madeline {part of The Dateless Duo}

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Saturday, January 21, 2012

{madeline speaking ..}

#4. pudge

yup. I have a cute little pregnancy pouch. don't you worry. It's completely normal. Not really. But there's two reason. One I HAVE a pregnancy pouch and two I enjoy it. I think it's so hilarious. thats why I took a picture.

oh baby. we have some work to do don't we?

I told myself I would work out as a new years resolution but .. where did that go? down the drain. 

So thats reason #4. I hope you enjoyed yesterdays picture. we looked pretty classy. 

And THAT my friends, is why we don't own boyfriends.

Happy Dating :)

P.S. What's your new years resolution? Let's hear them.

madeline {part of The Dateless Duo}

Thursday, January 19, 2012

{madeline speaking ..}

So yours truly came up with a grand reason why I don't have a man by my side.

#2. I eat like a monster on drugs. seriously.

I don't just eat a lot. I eat horribly. Becca, Anna and myself made Cazookies {delicious half baked cookie with ice cream. kill me.} on wednesday, and I was done with mine in about ... 2.5 seconds. And it was big. I just shove my face. It's fine. Thats how life is. If theres food in front of me, and I'm hungry. I eat it with ... vigor? Yeah, its quite repulsive but those around me have to deal with it. 

I think thats a pretty legit reason, don't you? I wouldn't go for me, THATS for sure. And obviously most guys aren't terribly cautious about how they consume their food ... but I'm a girl. Am I not supposed to be lady like? {That can be reason #3.}

Happy Dating!

P.S. Maybe let me know your favorite recipe/dessert/dish? I'll most likely try ALL of them.

madeline {part of The Dateless Duo}

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Welcome! This is a blog about all the reasons why boys don't go for us. You think its dumb? Stupid? Desperate? We think it's lovely. So feel free to stay. Sit awhile and enjoy our reasons why :)

#1. tongue wrestling ...
While sitting at Becca's table .. we were talking about two superb people who tongue wrestled. Then we decided to picture what it would be like. Sups awks. Can you  just imagine?


Yeah. Again. Sups awks. But its fine. Because we laughed our hearts out :)

So this is the end. But don't you worry. There'll be more where this came from :)

Happy Dating :)

P.S. Tell us about your awkward dating stories!

The Dateless Duo